About Us

About The Legal Accountant

Hello! I’m Tanyaa Kilham, Principal Accountant and Proprietor of The Legal Accountant. I became an accountant for law firms because I see the passion attorneys have for law and the compassion they have for their clients. By helping attorneys and law firms escape the hassle of dealing with financial data and the struggle of understanding financial statements, I work every day to help my clients do even more good in the world.

As a virtual accountant for lawyers and law firms, I understand your business. I am well versed in online platforms and provide services to my clients remotely, freeing even more of their time for what they do best!

I strive to provide more than just basic accounting and bookkeeping services for lawyers and law firms. I encourage my clients to seek advice when making financial decisions. For me, bookkeeping and accounting is more than a business – it’s my passion!

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, with an Accounting Concentration. Additionally, I hold a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University. This means that I can not only tame the accounting beast, but also offer insight on the operations of your law firm.

With over 20 years of accounting, bookkeeping, and business experience in a wide arena of industries, I use my expertise to help lawyers and small law firms reach their most ambitious financial goals while staying in compliance at all times.

I am an avid DIYer and love to create, imagine, and get my hands dirty. I am a life-long learner as well as a self-proclaimed student of life. I like taking things apart to understand how they work, and there’s nothing I like more than a challenge! I love being a trusted advisor who can investigate and research financial data while helping you grow your law firm or legal practice. 

Want to Get in Touch? Schedule a Free Consultation today!